
Category: News

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    Copyright Law

    1. Definition U.S. copyright law protects original works of authorship.  Copyrights exist automatically, as soon as a work is fixed in a tangible form.  For additional remedies and protection, and as a pre-requisite for enforcing a copyright in federal court, works should be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office.   A copyright owner enjoys a…

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    Trademark Law

      1. Definition Trademarks are words, symbols, logos, designs, or phrases used to identify the source of a product or service and to distinguish it from others’ products or services.  A trademark is associated with products alone, while a service mark is associated with services, such as business consulting.  The term “trademark” is often used…

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    Rights of Publicity, Privacy and Defamation – General Information

    Rights of publicity, rights of privacy, and defamation are closely related to copyright and trademark law and are governed primarily by state, rather than federal law.